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Mislimo da su sva venčanja različita, lični dan za svaki par u SWING LIFESTYLE dizajnu. U SWING LIFESTYLE kodeksu ponasanja ćemo osmisliti paket koji će vaše dane učiniti zaista jedinstvenim od 21. do 25. Maja ,2025. na SWING WEDDING party u SRBIJI.

Pre kreiranja vašeg venčanog paketa po meri, naš tim će saslušati zahteve, preferencije i budžete i na osnovu toga dati preporuke.

Možemo nabaviti sve, od cveća i usluga, do muzičke zabave ili dodati kreativni dodir ako tražite nešto malo drugačije. Sav nameštaj, pribor za jelo, posuđe i osoblje uključeni su u cenu hrane. Audio i osvetljenje takođe prate ritam SWING LIFESTYLE istomisljenika.
Smeštaj i sobe uz opis i slike ,dodatno šaljemo mladencima i gostima u inbox !

Naš tim će biti uz vas od vašeg početnog upita do posljednjeg plesa. Oni će raditi zajedno s našim izuzetno iskusnim menadžerima događaja i visoko obučenim osobljem kako bi osigurali da vam dan protekne glatko, skinuvši sav pritisak s vas i kreirajući vaš savršen dan. A Pitanja o venčanju mogu biti JAVNA ili PRIVATNA putem inboxa.
Iskreno se nadamo, dostupnost članova cele SPICYMATCH strane i uspesnu organizaciju PRVOG SWING WEDDING dogadjaja u SRBIJI.

Veliki pozdrav,
Spa INTIMO Lifestyles TEAM
Narodnih heroja 30,
Novi Beograd

We think that all weddings are different, a personal day for each couple at SWING LIFESTYLE design. In the SWING LIFESTYLE code of conduct, we will design a package that will make your days truly unique from May 21 to 25, 2025. at the SWING WEDDING party in SERBIA.

Before creating your custom wedding package, our team will listen to your requirements, preferences and budgets and make recommendations based on that.

We can provide everything from flowers and favors to musical entertainment or add a creative touch if you’re looking for something a little different. All furniture, cutlery, crockery and staff are included in the price of food. Audio and lighting also follow the rhythm of the like-minded SWING LIFESTYLE.
Accommodation and rooms with description and pictures, additionally sent to the newlyweds and guests in their inbox!

Our team will be with you from your initial inquiry to your last dance. They will work alongside our highly experienced event managers and highly trained staff to ensure your day runs smoothly, taking all the pressure off you and creating your perfect day. And Questions about the wedding can be PUBLIC or PRIVATE through the inbox.
We sincerely hope for the availability of members of the entire SPICYMATCH side and the successful organization of the FIRST SWING WEDDING event in SERBIA.
Best regards,
Spa INTIMO Lifestyles TEAM
National Heroes 30,
New Belgrade